Business structures
Some business structures are legal entities and some are not.
Business structures that are not legal entities include:
- Sole proprietor or sole trader (eenmanszaak)
- General partnership (vof or vennootschap onder firma)
- Professional partnership (maatschap)
- Limited partnership (cv or commanditaire vennootschap)
Structures that are legal entities include:
- Private limited company (bv or besloten vennootschap)
- Public limited company (nv or naamloze vennootschap)
- Cooperative (coöperatie)
- Association (vereniging)
- Foundation (stichting)
When you set up a structure that is a legal entity, a notary needs to draw up papers, including your registration at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK). If you choose a business structure that is not a legal entity, you will be personally liable for your company’s debts, with your private capital. This is not usually the case for structures that are themselves legal entities.