Adjustments rent allowance

May 23, 2024

The Dutch Tax Office(Belastingdienst) will issue letters between June and August to inform recipients of updated rent allowance calculations for 2024. In a bid to support purchasing power, the rent allowance will see a slight increase. Eligible individuals could receive up to €36.60 extra for the entire year. 

In addition, the Tax Office will incorporate annual rent increases from landlords, effective from July 1, 2024, into the new rent allowance calculations. For tenants of private landlords who do not report these rent increases, tax advisors are encouraged to submit the updated rent information to the Dutch Tax office to ensure accurate allowance adjustments. 

The revised rent allowances will be disbursed following the issuance of the notification letters. Any shortfall in payments from previous months will be compensated in a lump sum with the next allowance payment. Subsequently, monthly rent allowances will be adjusted upwards. The exact increase in rent allowance for an individual will depend on factors such as the amount of rent paid and the household income. 

Starting June 1, 2024, an online tool will be available on the Dutch Tax Office’s website to allow individuals to calculate their potential new rent allowance for 2024.